Scanning Services St. Louis, MO
Scanning Services in St. Louis, MO. Bring your business into the modern day and call HITS for scanning services. We've helped St. Louis, MO businesses of all types boost their efficiency and reduce costs by scanning paper, microfilms, blueprints, and other types of fragile documents. For almost 30 years, HITS have been providing our St. Louis, MO, clients with the highest level of customer service and information management. Whether you need scanning services in St. Louis, MO, for digital backup copies of vital records, or are looking to go completely paperless, call HITS today at 888-455-4484 or contact us online for a free quote.
Benefits of Scanning Services in St. Louis, MO
There are numerous reasons that St. Louis, MO, businesses, government bodies and other organizations have turned to scanning services. Scanning services in St. Louis, MO can help you to:
- Help your bottom line — Stop paying for filing boxes and closet space and eliminate the hassle and cost of off-site storage locations. Moving to cloud on on-premises digital storage is much more affordable, and you won't have to pay your employees for sifting through endless drawers of paper .
- Protect information from environmental risks — Physical documents, especially fragile ones like microfilms, are susceptible to wear and tear. Accidents can damage documents, and disasters such as fires cause you to lose that data forever. Using scanning services to digitize your documents allows you to generate a backup that can be accessed from anywhere.
- Clear out clutter — Office spaces influence how well their employee's work and their mental health. Studies show that a messy workplace dramatically affects our decision-making and energy and commonly causes stress.
- Increase efficiency — Issues with document management account for over 20 percent of productivity loss, and maintaining old and searching for new information takes up 8 percent of their time. Having documents in a digital form through St. Louis, MO scanning services allows your St. Louis, MO employees to focus on what you hired them for.
- Keep your data safer — The right documents management with the right St. Louis, MO scanning services firm is dramatically more secure than traditional paper storage. Not only will information be better protected against outside threats, but your individual employees will only have access to what you want them to.
- Allow your employees to work from home — The benefits of working from home are becoming increasingly apparent for many companies. Indeed, a 2-year study by Stanford University found that employees who worked from home were just as much if not more productive than their in-office counterparts. If you're wondering if working from home is a good fit from your employees, our paperless to-go scanning services will ensure your team can still collaborate.
- Be more eco-friendly — According to Project Paperless, the average office employee uses 20 reams of paper a year. In other words an 45-foot pine tree per person. To date, HITS' scanning services have helped keep over 20,000 trees from being cut down.
- Make audits easier — Many industries have to deal with oversight obligations from regulatory bodies. Audits will go quicker and smoother when information is digital.
- Protect historical records — Even if you do not playing on doing away with physical storage, having digital versions will ensure that the documents will never be lost.
No matter the reason you're interested in scanning services in St. Louis, MO, trust in HITS to do the job securely and efficiently. Contact us online for a free quote.
There are three things to think about when it comes to document management:
- Data Storage: This includes physical storage, using the cloud, NAS (network-attached storage) and SAN (storage area networks).
- Data Security: There are several components that go into data security. Safeguards like encryption, recovery systems, access control for admins, and data classification are key. Our team can help your company ensure that your information is secure.
- Data Destruction: Data can be destroyed in different ways. This may include document shredding, physical destruction, data wipes, and other methods.
Scanning Services We Offer in St. Louis, MO
HITS can scan almost any type of physical document that many other scanning services companies in St. Louis, MO simply can't. We use innovative software to implement a simple document conversion process. We are experts at scanning the following in St. Louis, MO:
- Paper Scanning —
We built our reputation in document management because of our streamlined paper scanning services. We track your documents throughout the conversion process, so you can be sure we are not losing any records. After scanning, we easily and quickly send them to your document management system.
- Microfilm Scanning —
Preserving film requires very specific conditions. While film had it's time as the best way to maintain catalogs and other confidential information, digital files are now much more secure and easier to track. We create a secure backup of your microfilm, microfiche, 16mm, 35mm, and aperture cards. In many cases, the viewing quality of your images is superior to the original.
- Blueprint Scanning —
Blueprints are vital to the development of our communities. But they are large, difficult to manage, and the quality and detail and degrade over time. As more firms are adopting computer aided design (CAD), digital blueprints are becoming more and more standard. Once the blueprints are digitized, they are easy to find and shared however best works for you, whether it's email, fax, or printed. We can create digital versions of blueprints, aerial maps, or other drawing up to 44 inches in width.
- Monitoring Strip Scanning —
The AHIMA suggests holding onto fetal monitoring strips for 10 years after a person reaches the age of 18. Typically kept in boxes with other records, those strips are hard to find and can easily fade. While historically the length of these strips has prevented St. Louis, MO scanning services from being able to digitize them, HITS has invented a solution, and you can find the high-quality images easily with text-searchable terms. Our unique conversion process allows you to conform to both HIPAA compliance and local St. Louis, MO regulations.
Our innovative, cloud-based STR8VIEW® system allows healthcare providers to centralize all of their records by absorbing legacy system data.
- DocuMiner® —
With our innovative DocuMiner® application, we have helped hundreds of St. Louis, MO organizations become more efficient and profitable by centralizing their paper records in a digital system. Our three-step process is safe and simple:
- Sort — DocuMiner® Analyzes your data in real time, and we give you a list of each item. You then decide what you need to keep and what you don't.
- Shred — With our shredding services and secure destruction, we'll eliminate any confidential data you don't need in order to alleviate any liability concerns.
- Scan — We use our scanning services so that your records can be viewed anytime, anywhere in your preferred document management system.
Whatever type of document you need converted with our scanning services in St. Louis, MO, we can convert them to a variety of formats, including Tiff, PDF, JPEG, PNG, and more.
Benefits of Cloud-Based Medical Records Management
- Store all records in a centralized space
- Get rid of obsolete legacy record-keeping systems
- Automatically create digital backups
- Increase security (as more than 9 out of 10 businesses say it has)
- Automate processes that easily prevent human error
- Reduce the overal costs of physical storage
- Send and review high-quality without the hassle
- Safeguard your medical records in case they are lost or damaged
- Records and documents can be retrieved quickly by select users
- Unlimited scalability as your patient base grows
Reach out to HITS for more information about our document scanning services in St. Louis, MO. 888-455-4484 or contact us online for a quote.
Other services we offer in St. Louis, MO include:
- Legal Document Scanning Services
- Digital Archiving
- Microfilm Scanning Services
- Blueprint Scanning Services
- Document Scanning Services
- EMR Systems
- Document Destruction Services
- Government Information Management System
- Document Management System
- Large Format Scanning
St. Louis, MO Scanning Services | HITS
At HITS, we pride ourselves on providing our St. Louis, MO clients with the highest level of customer care and the innovative solutions they need to thrive. Regardless of whether you want to scan a few microfilms or several decades worth of paper, HITS can get it done. Scanning services will make your St. Louis, MO organization more efficient and profitable. Reach out to a scanning expert today at 888-455-4484 or contact us online for a free quote.