Data Migration Rockville, MD
Data Migration in Rockville, MD. Data migration is a required tool for Rockville, MD companies and enterprises who are merging, updating their software, or going paperless. HITS has become an industry leader in IT services and data management over the last 25 years. With our proprietary applications, we can make your data migration process simple and cost-effective. For data migration in Rockville, MD, or any other information technology services, call HITS today at 314-837-4000 or of selecting, preparing, extracting, and transferring data from one system to another. It can be used when companies or organizations move to new software when companies are updating their internal processes, modernizing their data storage to a cloud environment, or myriad other motivations.
Unfortunately, data migration can be a precarious undertaking, and the risk increases the more data is being moved. A recent study found that 62% of projects were harder than expected and just over half went over budget. 56% of companies that replied said that lack of knowledge by the IT professionals played a major role in the mishaps. How can you avoid those pitfalls? Trust in an expert Rockville, MD data capture and conversion specialist like HITS. Our turn-key services has been proven to keep your data safe and successfully transfer it to a new system.
Types of Data Migration in Rockville, MD
Data migration is a broad term that encompasses many different specific processes in Rockville, MD. We provide the following types of data migration:
- Storage migration between physical storage units:
Organizations might require this because they are going to new storage devices that are more modern or have more storage capabilities. Examples can include:
- Going paperless
- Going from hard disc drives to solid-state drives:
- Going from physical storage to cloud
- Database migration:
This refers to upgrading a current database or switching to a new database from a different provider. Moving to a new system or upgrading your current one can resolve problems with performance and and lower power costs.
- Application migration between computing environments:
Common examples of this are moving to a new software provider, for example a healthcare provider upgrading to a better electronic health record system, or a business replacing their internal record keeping software.
- Data center migrations between servers:
This can happen when data is transferred from one data center — the physical place data is stored in on-premises — to another, if a company is investing in new mainframes and wires, or if an enterprise is moving to cloud.
- Business process migration:
These are needed during mergers, if a business is restructuring its internal processes, or when a company is entering a different competitive field. These will involve the transfer of data about people who have purchased their services before, services, and warranties.
- Cloud migration, from on-premises storage to cloud or cloud to cloud:
This is another comprehensive term that refers to many of the instances above where data is being transported to a cloud environment. One prediction stated that that by 2025 over 100 zettabytes of data, about half of the data expected to exist.
The 7 Steps of Data Migration in Rockville, MD
Rockville, MD IT services that effectively migrate data use a 7 step process:
- Determine the current data format and location: It's vital to understand the current location and form of the data in order to know how to transform and transfer. This is an optimal opportunity to spot potential risks, plan out important security measures we'll have to take, and ascertain problems that might come up in the transforming the data to a new medium.
- Create a game plan for the data migration: It's important to grasp the size and scope of the project to determine the resources necessary and a sensible timeline for completing the project. Additionally, this will allow us to plan the migration in a way that does not lead to extended downtime.
- Backup the data: As data migration is often a massive undertaking, things can go wrong, even with a solid plan in place. Backing up data is essential in the event of any corrupt data, or the if something unpredictable (for example a power outage), we'll be able to restore your data and continue with the data migration with a new plan in place.
- Asses the migration tool: Based on how your data is currently stored,, we'll find the best application to finally carry out the procedure. At HITS, we have experience with all types of data from all types of locations and will know what tool to use.
- Perform the data migration: Once the above steps have been taken care of, the time has come to actually migrate the data. We'll make certain that all the required permissions are applied and go through a detailed checklist during the migration. Early on, we'll know if our initial timeline is reasonable and if everything is functioning correctly. If anything arises, we'll take immediate action.
- Testing the final system: Ensure the data is protected, correct, and in the correct location. To verify this, we'll carry out system, web-based application, and batch application tests.
- Follow-up and maintenance: Even if the process was adequately tested at various stages, errors can still occur. We'll carry out an exhaustive audit of the new version of your data and verify the condition of the ultimate product. If there are errors, for instance missing data, we can correct the issue using the backup files.
At HITS, we are heavily involved with every part of backing up, transforming, and migrating your data. We use industry knowledge and other resources and experience to ensure your data migration process in Rockville, MD is cost-effective and successful.
Other services we provide in Rockville, MD are:
- Government Solutions
- Our DocuMiner® for companies going paperless
- Our STR8VIEW® system for healthcare providers modernizing their record keeping
- Microfilm Scanning
- Paper Scanning
- Blueprint Scanning
- Secure Destruction, such as shredding services
Rockville, MD Data Migration Services | HITS
As we our operations are based in the middle of the country, we can conveniently provide data migration services to businesses and institutions across the U.S.. HITS will help you operate more effectively and modernize your data storage system. We have been providing innovative and creative solutions in Rockville, MD since 1994. Call HITS today at 314-837-4000 or contact us online for a free quote.